
Of 112 Independence Day "Celebration"

By afparungao - Sunday, June 13, 2010

Can somebody explain why the government needed to spend PHP 10 Million in yesterday's independence day celebration? Not to kill the festivities, but to use that much of money for parade, which nobody really took time to watch (except maybe if you're a fan of Alfred Vargas and Valerie Concepcion), is just pointless. 

I'm no art connoisseur, but the floats they made (which according to some reports amounted to PHP 300, 000 each) are not at par to any floats featured in Rose parade. And even if they did great in the production, this still does not compensate the fact that this outgoing government has fucked up our lives for the last nine years and they still have  faces to spend millions over nothing. Even if they continue to hide the irregularities they committed over grand celebration of "independence," this country needs that money so much more for a lot of useful things. There are schools needed to be built, debts left to be paid, mouths still waiting to be fed, and a lot more things worthy of the 10 Million. 

If this government knew how the people loathe them so much for the past couple of years, they could have saved their asses off if they'd rather spend the money to help people rather than help their image. Today's celebration made them heroes for doing roads, "improving" economy, "helping" the people which they don't really have to shove to our faces because it is their responsibility to us. It seemed that we are supposed to show gratefulness to what they did, when in fact it is their obligation. 

I wonder how these people get to sleep at night. When most people would rather sleep on empty stomach, hoping they'll have something to eat tomorrow, these government officials would rather send the money down the drain doing lavish celebrations. Poor, poor nation.

It is probably indeed true that this decade's new independence day is on June 30, when we're finally free of GMA's administration to welcome Aquino's, but with the PHP 400++ Trillion left, still to be paid, are we really truly free?

May we all feel the true essence of what it is to embrace our freedom.

And GMA should remember not to remove her cover up and that pink and red (as a combination for top and slacks, respectively) is not camera friendly, unless she's doing a dance number. 

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