

By afparungao - Thursday, January 05, 2012

I don't know how to contain my happiness when I finally got in Cebu Pacific's website and booked our tickets for Laoag. My college barkada has been planning for this Ilocandia trip for so long and although some of us won't be able to join, I'm glad that majority of us could make the trip. Unfortunately though, I only got to book tickets to Laoag, as the return ticket is waaay out of our budget and what is left in my credit card. We'll probably figure out by the coming days how we'll get back to Manila.

Personally, being able to book the trip motivates me to think that I'll be able to finish my 2012 To-Do list. It seems like everything has been working out as planned and this year looks bright. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for the others, especially the out of the country trips as I don't want to spoil them that much. If it happens, then good, if it doesn't well, the world ends by December 2012 so, I guess no more chances?

I'm excited to plan the itinerary for the group as I have been pushing them for this trip. Laoag and Vigan are two of my must visits in the country.  As Apol would often say, she can already die once she sees the windmills in Ilocos.  Ilocandia is my Cebu of 2012 (although I would love to go back to Cebu again this year, Cebu is my Baguio of 2011). I've never been this excited, although my friends, no matter how smart they are, are logistically inept, save maybe for Cha, Mon, and Apol (sometimes).

Ah, I don't know. January 5, you make my dreams come true!

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