
Ten Things to Remember and One Thing to Never Forget

By afparungao - Saturday, December 31, 2011

We're already less than 24 hours away from 2012 and I guess a lot of people have already done their year-end  specials. A batch mate made a year in the movies, Lian did a recap of the social media in 2011, DJ Earworm put together an awesome mix of  2011 pop tunes, some people are doing the "exit survey," while some do New Year's resolutions.

Others refer to their lists as resolutions, I'd rather call mine "To-do" just so it would sound demanding and a must, also I never really do NYRs, I just thought that maybe putting this out will motivate me to get my lazy ass off working and direct my powers to my goals.

1. Start Saving Money: Sure, I might have had more money this year, even got a credit card before the year ended (yey or ney?), but my savings account is not even half of my target amount. It's really embarrassing. I envy those people who were able to buy themselves iPads, Macbook, Cars, etc. with their own money. While I only aspired to buy an iPod Touch recently, I knew I could have bought one if only I knew how to handle my money well.  For next year, I should remember to:
  • Not touch my savings account, unless necessary
  • Don't buy things just because
  • Think twice if I really need it or want it
  • Limit credit card usage
2. Get back to drawing: Blame it to Quoteskine and Moleskinelovers. I bought a plain Moleskine notebook to hopefully get me back to drawing again. Drawing came in handy during one of the horrible break-ups I had a few years back and therapeutic when I got depressed two years ago. I just have to:
3. Go back to photography: My friend Chiara gave me two expired films recently and told me to take photos again. I don't know why I stopped taking photographs. I remember I used to keep albums of afternoon sessions I had one summer and completely forgot how I love capturing moments. I have two expired 135 films that I have yet to use plus two more (one coloured and one b/w) which Chiars gave me. I need to:
  • Get a new film camera (lighter one please)
  • Find time 
4. See the world: I'm truly grateful to have travelled to some of the best places in the country this year. There's CamSur (almost got stranded last September), Cebu, Boracay, Baguio, Iloilo, and Zambales to name a few. Although I wasn't able to go to some of my target places this year (Davao, Bohol, Sagada, Ilocandia, and Palawan), I am crossing fingers that hopefully this year I'll be able to visit these places soon plus some Asian countries as well! I should probably:
  • Invest in a good backpack
  • Book flights early
  • Try to travel by myself
  • Save up for Asian tour OR European (keeping fingers super, duper crossed!!!)
5. Read more books: 2011 was a happy year for many bookworms as a lot of great books were published this year. Also, I'm truly honored to meet one of my inspirations this year, author Carissa Villacorta and have my Surreality signed! I'm happy to be able to buy some  awesome books, and meet writers too! However, due to time constraints, most of the books I bought are yet to be finished (and opened! Yikes.) I should bookmark these book to-do's:
  • Finish a book in a week or two
  • Read books as scheduled
  • Don't buy books yet until all the pending are read
  • Meet Tweet Sering (please, please, please)
6. Me, me, me: Good company's always fun, but I think it's healthy to set aside some time to do things alone. Things I have to try by myself this year include:
  • Watching movie in a movie house
  • Going to museum
  • Travelling
7. Health is Wealth: Such a cliche, but actually true. I've lost count of how many times I went to see a doctor this year and my skin problem has gone to worse this year. I just got my supply of meds to last me a few months, but Mama told me that although I have all the medicines I need, I should probably lessen, if not eliminate the following in my diet:
  • Chicken (crying now)
  • Shrimp (no way)
  • Chocolates (maybe I can do this)
  • Chips and other salty foodies (huhuhu)
8. School is Cool: As the saying goes, a person never stops learning. I know I have made plans of going back to school, but never found time to finish requirements (good bye Ateneo grad school!) so in the meantime, I must save up (money never sleeps!) and enroll in any of the following:
  • Baking class (ah, the only cooking I want to learn)
  • German classes (my Deutsche is rusteh plus! You'll never know *winks*)
  • Driving school (still convincing myself) 
9. Relax, See a Movie: I'm glad to say that I've seen those movies I initially planned to see this year (applause) and to continue this success, this year, I must:
  • See more movies
  • Go to film festival
  • Start a film journal (still waiting for my Moleskine film journal guys)
10. Jicky, You're a Star: Career wise, I can say that it was an okay year. A lot of things happened at work that pushed me to take responsibility of few things. With family, I can say better, just few glitches by the end of the year. Self, I can definitely do better. Although I have been truly grateful to all the opportunities, I have yet to see my potential this year and not just be OKAY for myself, my family, and others. 

2012 is my year, because it's the year of the Dragon. Forecasts have been very good to us and I hope these translate to reality. Also, I wish world won't end on December 2012. I have yet to buy a house and get my love life shit together (LOL) 

Despite how completely ass 2011 had been, it must be said that this year has taught me a lot of things about myself, the family around me, and the world. Although I may not completely understand it all the time, I must be forever grateful that I got through the year well, my family still with me, my friends all have their own jobs, and the country still going strong, in spite of the calamities, the political chaos, scandals, and intrigues we all faced. 

I must never forget, like all the other years that went by, to thank 2011 for one hell of a roller coaster (space shuttle even) ride. Auf wiedersehen 2011!

Gee, that even rhymes! :-)

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