
Not too Carrie-d away

By afparungao - Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yesterday, probably without the so-called decision-making skills, I've decided to buy the entire Sex and the City series, yup from season one to six. Partly because I was feeling off (also the reason why I decided to go out alone) and maybe also because of the conversation I had with my father last Sunday. He told me if you've been working hard, you've got to reward yourself. So I did. If I go broke for few weeks, I'll just say I'm an obedient daughter.

Nope, it doesn't look like this, though I hope it did.

Money makers might think that DVDs don't cost as much now as it did before. True. I got my set 75% cheaper than the original cost, but still if you're no longer living off from your parents' allowance, giving off thousand bucks would mean a lot of things. Plus, I also bought three CDs and another DVD. Heh. 

This afternoon, I decided to 'test run' the DVDs and watched season one and midway season two. Actually, I've started with season one last night, but was too sleepy to finish the entire box set so I continued today. I remember watching Sex and the City in grade six and unbelievably not bothered with the (ehem) scenes. I remember looking up to Carrie and as funny as it seems, she's one of the reasons why I wanted to be a writer. I thought writers lead a glamorous life, drinking with friends, beautiful shoes, and getting swept off by their own Mr. Big. Of course, that was the naive me. Until my Senior high school English teacher told our class one day that one of the poorest careers in the world are writers (journalists in particular) and I distinctly remember that on that moment, the entire class zeroed their eyes on me, as if judging me with my choice of career. 

Naturally, as an ambitious teenager, I was determined to shoo away the naysayers and go on with my dream, to become a Carrie Bradshaw/Christian Amanpour. Okay? Fast forward to today, I'm single, not having sex with every single man I've met, and still doesn't have my Manolo Blahnik, only Blah-life.

So, as I go on with my DVD marathon, I started getting annoyed with Carrie. Episode after episode, I started to think why I chose to be Carrie Bradshaw. True, some five-six years ago, I wanted to be like her. I actually thought my ex-boyfriends are like Carrie's ex-boyfriends and that my Mr. Big and I are just on a hiatus right now (because we aren't talking). But right now, as I sit on the couch, watching, I always end up cringing in everything she does with Mr. Big. If some people would think Mr. Big was a jerk, I'd say Carrie's a bitch. Like this one time when she's asking him to come and join him to this party and told her he can't (but Big did come afterwards) or that time when she went to church because she wanted to meet his mother. Why? When Big didn't want to say that she's the one, because quite frankly, how does one know that you're the one in just few night outs and sex? Really? The list of "WHY CARRIE" scenes continues on. Currently, they are back together. Ugh.

Carrie's character is neurotic. I don't know, but if I base it on the book (Carrie Diaries) maybe the reason why Carrie's acting that way is because her high school sweetheart left her or that she has become jaded in relationships in her 30s and just wants to get marriage done (contrary to what she said in one episode where she said that she isn't the marrying type. We all know she got married in the movie though), but still, I still don't get her during the season one and (midway) two. I just don't. 

I'd like to finish season two tonight and see what my 16 year-old self liked so much about Carrie Bradshaw and what makes my 22-year-old self hate her. Truth is, the 22-year-old me likes Miranda more, though she dated the weirdest men and is a bit cynical about love. 

And just when I thought I won't be talking to my Mr. Big...

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