
Anik-anik lovin'

By afparungao - Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I've always been a fan of Anik-anik love, a blogsite that features work spaces of some of the country's most creative people. Maintained by ace photographer Mitch Mauricio, the blog lets you peek inside the room (or house or unit) where creative juices flow and also delve into the mind of a creative extraordinaire. She has featured some of the talents from Philippines' artistic set, including writer Yvette Tan (one of my favourite features), director Quark Henares, photographers Jake Versoza and Jay Tablante, sculptor Leeroy New, National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Jose, designer Kate Torralba, and one of my girl crushes, Audrey Carpio.

Apart from inspiring others to unleash their creativity, Anik-anik love also makes folks like me and you see ourselves in these artists as they show us their quirks and irks in the stuff they own and the interesting Q and A that follows after each photo set. I was surprised when I learned that Audrey likes cats too! (la lang!)

I am no artist. The only time I considered getting serious with painting was in high school when my mother brought me some gouache, watercolour, and acrylic tubes, probably in hopes of having a daughter who's artistically inclined. I probably did some pretty decent paintings then, or so I thought. I tried other sorts of artsy stuff, photography, drawing, dancing, singing, but all were left before I even got to finish anything (ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my minute attention span!)

Since I am probably far from getting featured, let me indulge (myself to your amusement, hah!) and answer the questions from the blog. Unlike the post though, I won't let you in my room because it's an unutterable mess as of the moment.

I hope it's okay to copy the questionnaire.

Please see below my pretend feature in the website:

Angelique Parungao(San Juan City, Philippines)
Occupation: all-around PR person
Website: afparungao.blogspot.com              anjywanjy.tumblr.com              aboutme.com/afparungao
Favorite toy as a child: dollhouse, rag dolls, and train sets. Also handheld brickgame players
Favorite toy now: my Blackberry 
Turn-ons: intelligence, creativity, and all things nerdy
Turn-offs: arrogance and dishonesty
What are 5 things that inspire you right now? (person) Mark Zuckerberg, fantastic movies and movie scores, creative people, and well written pieces 
Top 5 movies: Silence of the Lambs, Wallstreet 2, Social Network, American Psycho, and Mean Girls
Top 3 books: The Bell Jar, The Tao of Pooh, Bossypants 
Music you listen to: Some alternative pop, some indie, some new wave. I appreciate any kind of music, except those that aren't really music at all (a.k.a. screaming and belting out in singing contests)
On my current playlist: Kylie Minogue, Ingrid Michaelson, Whitest Boy Alive, The Drums, The Cure (always), Mike Posner, John Mayer, The Killers, Taken by Cars Social Network OST... the list goes on... I actually have different playlists everyday because I provide music in the office. 
5 Favorite websites: twitter.com (fucking has everything!), tumblr.com, flickr's what's in your bag group, contemporist, and designismine
When you're not busy with work, what do you do in your free time? I sleep or spend hours in bookstores
If you were to choose a different job, what would it be? a dessert chef would be nice, primarily because I have insatiable love for sweets especially cakes!
If you can have any super power, what would it be? Power to read minds
What's the most important life lesson you've learned so far? Never, ever trust anybody
Most inspiring statement/moment (heard/said/read): Keep up the good work! (my daddeh) and The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams - Eleanor Roosevelt 

Ah, as they say suntok sa buwan.

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