
Highs of the Weekend

By afparungao - Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's been a while since I stayed home for an entire weekend to fix my room. My mom has been bugging me for months to do something about it, but I never got the time to do a major fixing.

Since it's already spring, I guess it's time to do some... (drum roll please!!!) Spring Cleaning (har har)

So I've thrown stuff, put away some more, and did something about compartments and clear boxes. Talk about an overhaul. But not so much really. If I had it my way, I would repaint my room, replace my bed, and put new lights. But I don't have the time and resources for that yet so I made semi-major changes. 

One of those changes is my book case. 

Before it looks like this:

Photo taken months before
And my books started increasing every pay day. If this looks chaotic to you, the more recent state would be more chaotic. Too bad I didn't get to take a photo. 

Then I remember my best friend Lian's post about her new "book shelf." Although I don't believe it so much that it was her who thought about it and not her mother, as I know she isn't capable of fixing her things (JOKE) I took the idea as a springboard to my makeshift book case. 

A photo of Lian's books on her loft ladder
My brother and I used to have a wooden bunk bed. But since we grew taller and possibly (because it may not look like it) heavier, our parents decided to get us a new double deck with metal frame. After a while, my they decided to sleep downstairs (of whatever reason) and told me to sleep in their old room instead. I used to make my part of the bunk bed my own room. Own little lamp, radio component, several books, pretend desk in my bed. Now that I have my own room, these things are no longer (well sometimes books are still in my bed) on my bed. We had the wooden bunk bed dismantled, but kept the ladder around because nobody seems to like it, except us. 

Then an idea suddenly popped in my mind. inspired by Lian's bookshelf, I present to you, my new book case!!!

Now who would think that used to be a ladder, huh? 

The first "shelf" is occupied by Filipiniana books, young adult books, and fiction.

could have arranged this one by color, aside from by height
Second "shelf" has hardbounds and some more fiction and some non-fiction

The third "shelf" carries more non-fic books and my older books. You'll see my Cosmopolitan recommended books there too. I used to collect those in high school hehe

My table is now occupied by writing books, female writers book, and some more fiction

My pretty decent (in my own appreciation)collection of writing/journ books
My favourite female writers: Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Camille Paglia, Simone de Beauvior
Meg Cabot, Jeannette Winterson, Elizabeth Wurtzel, and Candace Bushnell
Coelho, Ellis, Marquez, Hoff, and Love Letters
On the wall are some of my favourite photos and abubut

What's on the Wall:
a. A bookmark with my fave Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"
b. My HS barkada photo
c. Kuya and I when we were kids
d. Flyer for Capoeira class I need to sign up to
e. Flyer of some music fest
f. picture of my dog Raskie
g. A proof that I'm ArtLet 2010 graduate 

what else I need to put:
a. Family picture
b. The Jeep Picture, #fantasticfour picture

Next week if I'm free again, I shall look for more projects!
Can't wait for Monday /sarcasm.

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