
The Mandatory Birthday Post

By afparungao - Monday, October 25, 2010

It's on late night weekends like tonight when I am left with nothing significant to do, but to write something here. Things have been pretty great lately, except that I usually have no time for other things because of work. I can almost see myself sleeping through an entire week or not being bothered to wake up early, at least when vacation for a week comes. That we all have to wait for. If that happens, let's all rejoice!

Exactly a week after my rainy birthday and I still don't feel anything significant other than the books I accumulated, thanks to Apol and my best friend Lian who got me something I didn't wish for, but something I've always wanted to have, unknowingly. She gave me a book filled with love letters, enough to make me mushy (or squirm) while reading them. What I loved most was her dedication. Save for the useless dedication I persuaded an ex boyfriend to write in one of the books he gave me (which right now I wish he didn't write at all), I love all things personally written. This one in particular:
May you someday find your Mr. Big. In the meantime, settle for Beethoven.
"Ever thine, Ever mine, Ever ours"
That's actually my favourite, so happy she remembered it--- or I'll smack her in the face, kidding! Her gift, I haven't given her yet, because I was in a hurry and had a really bad morning last Saturday and stupidly forgot hers. But I hope she likes it.

We also had a party at RedBox Trinoma, because there's no videoke party like a "The Jeep Videoke party!" Okay, I hope that just made sense because I was laughing my head off writing that, in hopes of giving a Liz Lemon's mandatory party a run for her money.

So anyway, like some of the best parties we threw, it was (ahem) a success because,  there's no videoke party like a "The Jeep Videoke party!"--- I just wanted to repeat. Here are some photos from Saturday

Lol at this very random screen cap. It's so funny, right?
This is me, tryna be whatever. 
My best friends in the whole wide world, Cha and Lian
(plus Monica, but she was late)

Because we love taking photos

Fantastic weekend, yes?

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