
Same Time, Different Day

By afparungao - Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Fucking Brilliant. 

I don't know what's with 2 a.m. and I'm always, always still wide awake on this hour of the day. Quite the reverse 12 hours later, when I'm unutterably sleepy. I end up kipping for good two- three hours. I remember taking a test few years back about what time of the day you are. I am a 2:10 a.m. person. I have no idea how that came out, but true to the result, I almost always (about 70- 80% of the time) up and giddy by 2 a.m. 

Sometimes it's not funny anymore. There are things that I really wanted to do in the day, but because I always wake up at 10 a.m., feeling sleep deprived, I tend to go back to sleep after eating lunch. Plus, the heat's really making me sleepy. Unlike other people who can't get their sleep when it's hot, the heat's making it all conducive for me sleep. I hate it.

Probably this will change if I have something substantial to do in the morning, like work or if I have to go do errands somewhere. I hate, hate staying at home. For the lack of things to see and hear. Tomorrow, I plan to go to Promenade. But it looks kind of sad to go there alone. The only place where I can be alone and happy is at Boni Hi- street or Serendra. There's Fully Booked or A Different Bookstore to always go to. There's Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf to hangout at. And there's always this person I can text (hopefully not working his ass off somewhere again) who can join me. I kinda miss him.

We used to talk 'til 2 a.m. and sleep on each other's text messages.

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