
Possible End of the Search

By afparungao - Saturday, May 15, 2010

For weeks now, I've been looking for a perfect planner to replace my ever reliable Papemelroti calendar. I've grown accustomed to using the thin organizer since High School. I found it easy to lug around and slip in my Mead notebook. But recently, I've been such a klutz that I've already lost two Papemelroti planners in a span of five months. Maybe I've inserted it somewhere, probably in my papers for school. Although it costs less than P20, I can't find the right planner design that I like. The first one I bought looks really cool, but I lost it mid- way March. The second one, I bought after I realised I lost the first one, but it doesn't look as nice as the first one. (I'm not a fan of floral designs!) 

Maybe it's a sign that I have to look for a more proper planner. Since I'm going to work soon, I needed one that looks really beautiful and screams ME all over it. 

But then, local bookstores are having scarcity of beautiful planners that are both cheap and chic.  Maybe they thought that in months like May, no one would probably look for planners anymore. And then miracle happened.

Please be mine!
While I was on the verge of giving up on my search, one of my favourite bloggers, Ms. Mariel Chua, former Cosmopolitan Beauty editor decided to give away five Cosmo planners to five lucky readers. Two girls already won the planners and I am hoping I'd be the third (fourth or fifth) winner.

If you decided to join this awesome contest, visit this link now :-)

*crosses fingers for good luck!*

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