
Post Grad Thoughts

By afparungao - Monday, April 12, 2010

So I got several job offers, from two top companies, one from publishing world and the other one's from broadcasting. I finished exams and interviews from respective companies, but I still have one for another job opening from the publishing company on Tuesday. If I counted it correctly, I've already had two job interviews on that company, submitted 10 sample articles and still I'm waiting for their "after holy week" announcement. With the broadcasting company, I am kind of losing hope on this one. After my test, I was immediately called for an interview the next day, despite the HR telling me the announcement of results for the qualifying exams will be given two to three weeks after. Feeling quite confident that I was going to get the position because of the immediate call back, I was told by the HR that they are looking for immediate hiring and with my graduation happening two weeks after hiring, it's impossible for me to get in. I was really sad that day. No sad was understatement, I was depressed. I was off in few days, why didn't I get it?

I've applied to several other companies, but if given the choice, I'd rather have my first job at my either of my two dream companies. They gave me an early opportunity, but it seems like what was offered early on wasn't for me.

I am not picky. In fact, if any of the other companies I sent resumes to would reply, I would gladly meet up for an interview. But with the opportunity, I would want to write on my first job. I want to interview people and taste the world, while enjoying the perks and go through the lapses of my first job. Writing jobs were offered to me by these companies and I cannot pass them off. I don't see myself in the near four- five years of my life not writing for a living. I just don't.

So will company S and A call back now? :-(

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